Foreste per Sempre ® è un marchio registrato GEV Modena Copyright © 1996 2006 - Tutti i diritti riservati - Il materiale pubblicato nel sito appartiene a Foreste per Sempre. Si declina ogni responsabilità sull'utilizzo di quanto pubblicato. Se ne consente la riproduzione non a scopo commerciale citandone la fonte. Ultima modifica 24-05-2013

Italian Version            

Forests Forever

is an NGO that forms the international section of GEV (Guardie Ecologiche Volontarie) Modena, Italy. Its program is based on 15 years of experience, contributing to the international effort to protect and conserve natural ecosystems and biodiversity by creating and conserving parks, reserves, etc. In addition, aims include the protection of endangered species and the support of the local populations by means of sustainable development projects. Plans are developed and being implemented for the protection and regeneration of tropical rainforests in the Amazon basin (Brazil), Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Colombia, Capo Verde, Madagascar and the Mediterranean forests of Croatia and Italy. Projects rely on the participation of local associations which in turn involve local populations to improve their own ecologically sustainable living conditions, i.e. by building schools, hospitals and developing eco-farming. Within the framework of Payment of Environmental Services (PSA), FpS is committed to assist the reduction of CO2 emission, in line with the targets set by the Kyoto Protocol. 

Representation of Foreste Per Sempre to the United Nations Climate Change Conference
15th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) Copenhagen – 7-18 December 2009







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