Foreste per Sempre ® è un marchio registrato GEV Modena Copyright © 1996 2006 - Tutti i diritti riservati - Il materiale pubblicato nel sito appartiene a Foreste per Sempre. Si declina ogni responsabilità sull'utilizzo di quanto pubblicato. Se ne consente la riproduzione non a scopo commerciale citandone la fonte. Ultima modifica 24-05-2013

Italian Version            

Forests Forever

FpS 's Mission

- Safeguarding the forests to preserve the balance of the planet and human life.

- Awaring people about the importance of the forests and how to save them .

- Involved the locals to defend forests to grant their own survivance .

- Realizing plans in order to rescue and preserve forests creating protected areas .

- Realazing plans to improve natives life conditions in ecosostenible way;

- Promoting eco-volontary activities and eco-tourism to the interested areas ;

- Promote csa 's selling in according to kyoto 's protocol , investing the money to replant the forests

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